Learn about how our family has reprioritized, made healthy-living a priority to return to our roots by moving out of the Silicon Valley and into the mountain country-life.
Join us with Dr. Bill Schindler, author of Eat Like a Human and Christina Schindler, CEO of The Modern Stone Age Kitchen, as we discuss their journey into optimizing for nutrition in modern foods through ancestral techniques to create healthy food for the community.
Christina Schindler is the CEO of the Modern Stone Age Kitchen, a restaurant in Chestertown, MD that optimizes nutrition in modern foods through ancestral techniques to create healthy food for the community. Christina is also her husband’s high-tech other half.
Her husband, Dr. Bill Schindler, is the author of Eat Like a Human: Nourishing Foods and Ancient Ways of Cooking to Revolutionize Your Health. Bill is an internationally known archaeologist, primitive technologist, chef and co-star of the National Geographic Channel series The Great Human Race, which aired in 2016 in 171 countries.
In addition to supporting Christina in the operations of the Modern Stone Age Kitchen, Bill founded and directs the Eastern Shore Food Lab with a mission to preserve and revive ancestral dietary approaches to create a nourishing, ethical, and sustainable food system. Christina serves as President of the Eastern Shore Food Lab.
Our relationship with food is filled with confusion and insecurity. Vegan or carnivore? Vegetarian or gluten-free? Keto or Mediterranean? Fasting or Paleo? Every day we hear about a new ingredient that is good or bad, a new diet that promises everything. But the secret to becoming healthier, losing weight, living an energetic life, and healing the planet has nothing to do with counting calories or feeling deprived—the key is re‑learning how to eat like a human.
This means finding food that is as nutrient-dense as possible, and preparing that food using methods that release those nutrients and make them bioavailable to our bodies, which is exactly what allowed our ancestors to not only live but thrive. In Eat Like a Human, archaeologist and chef Dr. Bill Schindler draws on cutting-edge science and a lifetime of research to explain how nutrient density and bioavailability are the cornerstones of a healthy diet. He shows readers how to live like modern “hunter-gatherers” by using the same strategies our ancestors used—as well as techniques still practiced by many cultures around the world—to make food as safe, nutritious, bioavailable, and delicious as possible.
With each chapter dedicated to a specific food group, in‑depth explanations of different foods and cooking techniques, and concrete takeaways, as well as 75+ recipes, Eat Like a Human will permanently change the way you think about food, and help you live a happier, healthier, and more connected life.
Dr. Bill Schindler and Sophie hosted an Asian Ancestral Weekend at the Modern Stone Age Kitchen in January 2024, with a triple sold-out event!
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